Friday, May 27, 2011

Chinese Lion Dances for Weddings

Photos by Visionari

Lion dances at Chinese weddings bring the newlyweds good fortune and ward off evil spirits. For additional excitement, we have suggested that couples consider the "wow factor" of having the lions perform on poles or jongs, where their acrobatics are sure to impress.

Some things to consider: make sure the jongs and bases can fit through service corridors and entryways, if the reception is to take place inside. If outdoors, have a representative from the lion dance team scout the area to make sure that they can safely and feasibly set their equipment at that site. Things like exceptionally windy areas and unlevel surfaces can make it challenging or even unrealistic to perform the lion dance on poles under such circumstances.

Additional note: check with the particular lion dance team if they prefer that the lions be fed with a pole and leafy vegetable, or if they prefer that the bride and groom feed the lions by hand. Best wishes for good fortune, luck, and prosperity for the happy couple!

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